If you need help creating a training plan, you can go to Perfect Pace yours Have your very own personal plan drawn up using this formula.
Your best time on 100km
Explanation of terms:
Swim underwater with your eyes closed, opening your eyes every 3-5 strokes above the water. Imagine you are swimming in the lake!
Arrested swim, both hands clasped behind the head at the back of the neck and kick kick swim with only legs. Try to stand as high in the water as possible!
Leg kick-sideways, swim with one arm outstretched in the air (shark fin), alternating left and right arms. Try to keep the water position as stable and horizontal as possible.
Leg kick with the board, place the board across the water and press about 20 cm under the water.
Push against the resistance with an extremely powerful leg kick.
One hand stays in front until it is relieved by the other hand.
Notice how your outstretched hand stays calm in front and guides.
Dolphin dive, feel the palm and feet connected as they perform the thrust.
Clench your hands into a fist and scratch.
You swim 300 meters crawl and count your arm strokes on each lane.
The aim is to swim at the same frequency on each lane. As a result, you will swim just as well at the end as you did at the beginning. Pay attention to your time – it should also remain constant!
butterfly swim
Count your arm strokes on each lane and keep a close eye on the clock.
Add your swim time to the number of arm strokes and try to decrease that total on the next lane.
Hospital swim, right hand on left foot, left hand extended forward. Perform leg kick with one foot, then switch sides. Try to keep a stable position in the water.
Hypoxia freestyle swimming. Breathe every 3/4/5/6/7/8/9. Train.
Do not increase the frequency, try to resist the breathing reflex as much as possible.
The hands are placed on the side of the buttocks. Kick the crawl leg kick and breathe alternately in 3-breaths. Try to keep the water position as horizontal as possible.
2-12 push-ups, then jump into the water with a long dive phase.
Crawl without breathing.
Crawl with paddles.
At the edge of the pool, use both arms to push the whole body up, slowly back down, 2-12 repetitions.
You swim 100 meters crawl with paddles and pullbuoy with only one arm. After 100 meters and a 15-second break, switch arms. The whole 8-10 times. You need your paddles for this set to really get your arms sweating.
Crawl between your feet with a pullbuoy. Watch out for the roll turn! Try not to lose the pullbuoy.
Crawl with a pullboy between the legs and fins.
Glide as best you can and reduce the number of strokes to a minimum.
Back kick with outstretched arms.
Make sure your pelvis is high and that you stretch your arms out extremely.
Try to pull your legs as high in the water as you can without performing a leg kick.
Try to maintain good body tension, please don’t drown!
Crawl in the water polo crawl and rotate 360° to the left around your own body axis with each arm stroke. After 25m you change to the right without interruption.
For every 25m you swim an all-out sprint for 6 seconds without breathing.
Swan-swimming front crawl, in front crawl stretch both arms up like a swan and kick legs, breathe left and right.
Underwater chest dive and pull the arm pull all the way through and glide like a dolphin for a long time.
Choose 2 of the following exercises for each rep, and then do them with concentration: duck prone, back crawl, water splash, fist, spread, shoulder tap, hip tap, zip, knock off.
Choose 2 of the following exercises for each repetition and then do them with concentration: duck prone, back crawl, water splash, fist, spread, shoulder tap, hip tap, zipper, catch-up.
Lie in the water in a relaxed crawl position for 30-45 seconds.
Only use your feet to support yourself on the edge of the pool, relax your shoulders, neck and arms, breathe left and right
Cuddle with an XL T-shirt. But be careful: there are indoor pools that do not allow this!
Keep your head high above the water. Try to hit a high score in the water polo freestyle, factor 4 of the normal score (72 per 25m).