Longevity - individual endurance training and personalized
Regeneration for leaders.
On the one hand, you should put a strain on yourself with physical training so that your metabolic areas are economized to achieve your goal. What demands your body. And on the other hand, understand as support how you can best buffer the stress that has arisen and transform it into good and strong energy in your body, so that your resources are not exhausted but rather increased.
To ensure that everything flows into one another in a balanced way, let’s take a closer look at these 7 areas together:
1 - Your blood (liquid, physical organ)
blood values
We check the 34 most important blood values (ferritin/omega3/cortisol, etc.). These biomarkers are essential for the optimized control of your diet and provide quantitative information about your blood.
Darkfield blood analysis
We check the quality of your blood via the Darkfield blood analysis. Here we see what types (viruses, bacteria, fungi, worms, doxins, heavy metals, plastic, MNP) are polluting your blood. This always leads to overacidification, your immune system is vulnerable and you get sick too often.
Mitochondria – powerhouse of muscles
Mitochondria play a very important role in endurance sports to monitor your oxidative stress.
NAD⁺ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)
Your NAD⁺ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) level in the blood shows us how your cells are aging. This gives us clues as to how well your neurodegenerative metabolism is working. We all have two different ages – a chronological one and a biological one. Chronological age is calculated from the day you were born. On the other hand, biological age, also called physiological aging, is influenced by various factors (lifestyle, nutrition, sleep, genetics, environment and ability to love). It always shows how vitally you live your life.
DEXA fat measurement
With a DEXA fat measurement we gain insight into your visceral fat (fatty liver) and your bone density (risk of osteoporosis). An important biomarker for obesity. We also measure your HbA1c value (long-term blood sugar) in the blood. It indicates in percent how much blood sugar has bound to the red blood cells in the last two to three months. It provides information about the average blood sugar level over the last three months. You have to do this test at a laboratory.
We do the tests on site at my place using four drops of blood from my finger. Based on your blood, I can determine what the next important steps are for you. In most cases, certain minerals/vitamins/amino acids have to be supplemented. I will tell you which products you can use and which you should avoid. If you are burdened with toxins, a 6 to 12 month detox program will be carried out. We do this through nutrition and a supplement that is specially made for you. (Homeopathic) If desired and preventatively, we work with the MERA Q5, a hypersonic device from Reiner Gebbensleben, to strengthen your system.

2 - Your energy (energetic energy field)
This measurement of your individual energetic homeostasis, your energy field, shows us many things that we cannot see with our eyes. Using Kirlian photography, you can see for yourself what your energy fields – organs, chakras and meridians – look like. The measurement shows us how invisible external influences (Wi-Fi, cell phone radiation, emotional stress, hidden fears) affect you.
Please remember, just because you can’t listen to a radio program without the radio, doesn’t mean that the radio doesn’t exist!

3 - Improve your posture
Your physical mobility and awareness are important factors for your optimized performance. Your posture shows me what kind of physical trauma you have suffered throughout your life through injuries, accidents and illnesses, and so you unconsciously move in a protective posture.
You are not aware of these imbalances, but your physical performance is reduced and your susceptibility to injury is increased.
We will work out the 5 most important individual physical exercises for you, which you can do independently at home. We untie your knots, so to speak, and break your patterns that prevent you from becoming faster.

4 - Your family system
Are you suffering from an unconscious conflict of loyalty? Your commitment is not enough? You always have to be somewhere else. You just can’t find your 100%. You support and help everyone, driven by your unconscious. This behavior means you have too little time for your own needs. With a family constellation, you can gain a precise insight into where you really stand in life and what you are fixated on. If you want to break free from loyalties that make you sick, this work makes a lot of sense. I will put you in touch with someone I trust. (D+CH)

5 - Cryotherapy
Cold stimulates cell metabolism, promotes blood circulation and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Our body reacts to extremely low temperatures by releasing valuable substances such as adrenaline, endorphins and anti-inflammatory corticoids, thereby accelerating regeneration. I will show you how you can best integrate cold baths into your daily routine. In addition, we will work together to develop your power phrases, which you will say out loud. They support your current phase of life and are at your center.

6 - Meditation and sleep quality.
This is about an inner alignment to your path. I will teach you how to improve your mental hygiene, manage your thoughts better and find more inner peace. We also practice the lotus position, without the correct posture it is not possible. In keeping with the meditation, we look at your sleeping habits. I will help you to optimally set up and arrange your sleeping area, find the right room temperature, and show you what small rituals you can do to help you sleep well.

7 - Your optimal diet.
Which foods are good for you? Which vices should you avoid? How do we structure the nutritional schedule? When do carbohydrates make sense and when do they not? What is best for you to eat and when? Makes vegan, vegetarian, low carb. Sense? Before we begin, we measure your fat content; here, body fat is less important than visceral fat, the fat stored in the free abdominal cavity that surrounds the internal organs, especially the digestive system. It’s not about losing weight, but about maximum energy and performance; the weight then regulates itself.
Everything I recommend to you I have tested and implemented myself. I have known the network I use personally for years. There are so many things you can test to portray a person as imperfect and to sell them remedies and countless therapies. I work with these tests because I want to reach your goal with you and accompany you in the long term. Afterwards, you should know without me what is good and what is not good for you and follow your own personal longevity path.

Cost of all tests approx. CHF 2400.-. For the accompaniment I charge 690.- per month for a minimum of 6 months. It is not necessary to implement all 6 points at the same time from the beginning, often it is enough to start with the 3 softest points, less is more, you decide.