My great passion is triathlon coaching. To date I have coached over 329 athletes one to one. 95% of them achieved a new PB at their distance. My empathy towards my athletes is great, which is why I choose my athletes carefully – because in order to be successful it is immensely important that it is “right” between us.
I have capacity for 30 athletes per year. I am also happy to train athletes from abroad. It is important that you come to me about 4-6 times a year. I have a room in my office in Küssnacht where you can stay overnight at a reasonable price.
From January 1st, 2023 I will be following the #newtrainingsplan2.0 , into which I have put over 2 years of research. These are the elements at a glance:
- Active and passive artificial altitude training.
- Active and passive heat adaptation training combined with cognitive exercises.
- Special strength training on the bike.
- Controlled “low carb” training.
- “Aerobic development” based training with polarized training stimuli in combination with “train to fail strength training”.
- Repeated block workouts on the bike.
- A vitamin/mineral supplement program based on your blood levels.
- Cryotherapy exercises with reflection work on you.
- Meditation exercises that support an inner straightening up of your strength and your resources.
It is clear that I only work with athletes who want to experience a journey that leads to their fullest potential. I am not a motivator but an inspirer.
Every “doctor has his patients”, there are exceptions:
Athletes – whether men or women – who are in a relationship with a former professional athlete.
Single women.
Athletes who have worked with many coaches and had no success.
I don’t coach geim. if you have not taken part in my detox program before.
If you come from a coaching session, I expect that you have not been in a coaching session for at least 3 months. I would be happy to speak to your former coach.
You have not had an injury in the last 6 months.
Your prerequisites:
You have trained at least 6-8 hours per week for the past 52 weeks without injury.
You have been training with a working wattmeter and heart rate belt for several years.
You have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and are prepared to meet 95% of the specifications.
You are true to yourself and enjoy self-reflection.
You have time to attend at least one week of training camp per year under my supervision and an additional 5-6 weeks of vacation per year.
You are healthy and there are no medical or health reasons that speak against performance-oriented training.
In addition to coaching, you have enough financial reserves to invest in equipment, aero tests, blood tests, performance diagnostics and TriCamp.
My coaching programs:
A coaching cycle lasts 6 months.
The coaching amount is calculated in advance for 6 months at a time.
Triathlon Coaching Registration Form
You are an alpha animal. In your business or personal life, some have already finished an Ironman – now you want to follow suit, challenge yourself and prove yourself. Okay, call me! I don’t know any shortcuts, but I do know how metabolism and psyche have to be trimmed for such an adventure.
Duration: 9-12 months
Phone calls (15-30 minutes): Unlimited
Email / WhatsApp (per week): Unlimited
Trainings/meetings (per coaching duration): Unlimited
I am available for you, no matter on which continent you are!
1) We will first work out a feasible training plan based on your target time that integrates all your business appointments.
2) Afterwards, we’ll hone your technique to avoid misuse and improve your efficiency. We work on the 7 main mistakes in the swim (we use my swim channel for that), the 7 main mistakes in the bike and the 7 main mistakes in the run.
3) Then, we’ll design you a new nutrition plan that optimizes your body’s acid-base balance – so you can train more and recover faster. We define an individual race nutrition, which we use to make sure you get through the race well. To be absolutely sure, we use a blood test (cost: approx. CHF 250,-).
4) Then we will take care of your equipment. I advise you in all areas: which running shoe is most suitable, which neoprene supports your swimming style and very important: how do you sit properly on the bike. For this I send you to an aero test (cost: approx. CHF 700,-), where your CDA (wind resistance) is significantly improved – calculate here with 30 watts, that is approx. 15-20 minutes advantage on 180 km.
5) Ideally you sleep in phases – 2 x 4 weeks in 12 months – in an altitude tent (cost: CHF approx. 590,-), this triggers the hemoglobin and brings you another 1-4% extra power.
6) I work with you on your mental competence. In doing so, I show you which family/business systems influence you and how.
7) On race day I will be there with you and coach you during the race.
Cost per month: CHF 699
(Advance payment always for 6 months.)
Not incl. are: Blood test, aerotesting, altitude tent rental, all the material needed to achieve the objective such as neoprene, running shoes, bike, power meter, etc.
Note: If the target time you set for yourself is not within the range I think is possible, I will not enter into a coaching contract.
Swimming channel: 4 training sessions incl. Video in my swim channel worth CHF 556 are included.
You’re close to qualifying, but you’re still 5-30 minutes short of your big dream: finishing Ironman Hawaii on the Big Island. You’re looking for new input and don’t want to have to worry about your training schedule yourself. You have 9 to 14 hours per week to train in a structured way. You have a wattmeter. Your body fat percentage is no more than 15% and you have previous coaching experience.
Duration: 6-9 months
Phone calls (15-30 minutes): 1-4x per month
Email / WhatsApp (per week): Unlimited
Joint trainings/meetings (per coaching duration): 6
1) I immediately look for the gaps that you are not yet aware of. We know about the qualifying time you need to achieve – your training plan will be based on that.
2) After that, we will work on your technique to avoid misuse and improve your efficiency. These are: your main swim mistakes (we use my swim channel for this), your main bike mistakes, and your main run mistakes.
3) Next, we perform one or – if desired – several performance diagnostic tests. The test takes place off-site (cost: approx. CHF 350,-). With the values determined, we can later test the area that is important very inexpensively with my own mobile “Lactate Scout”.
4) Then it’s off to a customized nutrition plan that optimizes your body’s acid-alkaline balance so you can work out more and recover faster. For this you use the “FreeStyle Ketone Meter”, which I will gladly lend you for a certain period of time. We define a detailed race nutrition that we use to make sure you get through the race well. To be absolutely sure, we use a blood test (cost: approx. CHF 250,-).
5) Then we will take care of your material. I advise you in all areas: Which running shoe is the most suitable, which neoprene supports your swimming style best and very important: how do you sit optimally on the bike. If your CDA (wind resistance) is above 0.26, I recommend you to do an aero test (cost: approx. CHF 700,-), with which your CDA can be significantly improved – I calculate with 30 watts, which is approx. 15-20 minutes advantage on 180 km.
6) After that, we will discuss the options around the altitude tent. Ideally you sleep in phases – 2 x 4 weeks before the competition – in an altitude tent (cost: approx. CHF 590,-), this triggers the hemoglobin and brings another 1-4% extra power.
7) After about 3-6 months we know each other better. Time to open closed doors to analyze where further potential is hidden. To do this, I work with my stones and show you what family/business systems are affecting you and how.
Costs per month: CHF 429.-
(Advance payment always for 6 months.)
Not incl. are: Blood test, performance diagnostics, aerotesting, altitude tent rental, and all the material needed to achieve the objective, such as neoprene, running shoes, etc.
Attention: It is important that we can focus on your strengths and select the right competition. 6-8 weeks of vacation a year would be beneficial, as it allows us to do my tried and true back-to-back workouts – 4-7 day blocks of training (several times before the race).
Swimming channel: 4 training sessions incl. Video in my swim channel worth CHF 556 are included.
You are close to the 70.3 qualification, but you are still missing 5-20 minutes to fulfill your big dream: to start at an Age-Group 70.3 World Championship. You’re looking for new input and don’t want to have to worry about your training schedule yourself. You have 8 to 12 hours per week to train in a structured way. You have a wattmeter. You have already gained coaching experience.
Minimum term: 6-9 months
Phone calls (15-30 minutes): 1-4x per month
Email / WhatsApp (per week): Unlimited
Joint trainings / meetings (per coaching duration): 6
1) I immediately look for the gaps that you are not yet aware of. We know about the qualifying time you need to achieve – your training plan will be based on that.
2) After that, we will work on your technique to avoid misuse and improve your efficiency. These are: your main swim mistakes (we use my swim channel for this), your main bike mistakes, and your main run mistakes.
3) Next, we perform one or – if desired – several performance diagnostic tests. The test takes place off-site (cost: approx. CHF 350,-). With the values determined, we can later test the area that is important very inexpensively with my own mobile “Lactate Scout”.
4) Then it’s off to a customized nutrition plan that optimizes your body’s acid-alkaline balance so you can work out more and recover faster. For this you use the “FreeStyle Ketone Meter”, which I will gladly lend you for a certain period of time. We define a detailed race nutrition that we use to make sure you get through the race well. To be absolutely sure, we use a blood test (cost: approx. CHF 250,-).
5) Then we will take care of your material. I advise you in all areas: Which running shoe is the most suitable, which neoprene supports your swimming style best and very important: How do you sit optimally on the bike. If your CDA (wind resistance) is above 0.26, I recommend you to do an aero test (cost: approx. CHF 700,-), with which your CDA can be significantly improved – I calculate with 30 watts, which is approx. 7-10 minutes advantage on 90 km.
6) After that, we will discuss the options around the altitude tent. Ideally you sleep in phases – 2 x 4 weeks before the competition – in an altitude tent (cost: approx. CHF 590,-), this triggers the hemoglobin and brings another 1-4% extra power.
7) After about 6 months, we know each other better. Time to open closed doors to analyze where further potential is hidden. To do this, I work with my stones and show you what family/business systems are affecting you and how.
Costs per month: CHF 429.-
(Advance payment always for 6 months.)
Not incl. are: Blood test, performance diagnostics, aerotesting, altitude tent rental, and all the material needed to achieve the objective, such as neoprene, running shoes, etc.
Attention: It is important that we can focus on your strengths and select the right competition. 6-8 weeks of vacation a year would be beneficial, as it allows us to do my tried and true back-to-back workouts – 4-7 day blocks of training (several times before the race).
Swimming channel: 4 training sessions incl. Video in my swim channel worth CHF 556 are included.
You train regularly and sometimes up to 10 hours a week. You are fit, but can’t estimate what else would be possible if you could train under guidance and with a “red thread”. You have 6 to 10 hours per week to train in a structured way. You have a wattmeter. You want to better understand the interactions of the many different trainings with each other. You are curious about new stimuli. Triathlon – whether short, 5150 or 70.3 – is an important part of your life.
Duration: 6-9 months
Phone calls (15-30 minutes): 1-4x per month
Email / WhatsApp (per week): unlimited
Joint trainings / meetings (per coaching duration): 6
1) I immediately look for the gaps, because we both know that something didn’t work 100% for you training-wise – otherwise you wouldn’t have ended up on my homepage! In doing so, we focus specifically on effort and return.
2) After that, we will work on your technique to avoid misuse and improve your efficiency. These are: your main swim mistakes (we use my swim channel for this), your main bike mistakes, and your main run mistakes.
3) Next, we perform one or – if desired – several performance diagnostic tests. The test takes place off-site (cost: approx. CHF 350,-). With the values determined, we can later test the area that is important very inexpensively with my own mobile “Lactate Scout”.
4) Then it’s off to a customized nutrition plan that optimizes your body’s acid-alkaline balance so you can work out more and recover faster. For this you use the “FreeStyle Ketone Meter”, which I will gladly lend you for a certain period of time. We define a detailed race nutrition that we use to make sure you get through the race well. To be absolutely sure, we use a blood test (cost: approx. CHF 250,-).
5) Then we will take care of your material. I advise you in all areas: Which running shoe is the most suitable, which neoprene supports your swimming style best and very important: how do you sit optimally on the bike. If your CDA (wind resistance) is above 0.26, I recommend you to do an aero test (cost: approx. CHF 700,-), with which your CDA can be significantly improved – I calculate with 30 watts, which is approx. 15-20 minutes advantage on 180 km.
6) After that, we will discuss the options around the altitude tent. Ideally you sleep in phases – 2 x 4 weeks before the competition – in an altitude tent (cost: approx. CHF 590,-), this triggers the hemoglobin and brings another 1-4% extra power.
7) After about 3-6 months we know each other better. Time to open closed doors to analyze where further potential is hidden. To do this, I work with my stones and show you what family/business systems are affecting you and how.
Costs per month: CHF 429.-
(Advance payment always for 6 months.)
Not incl. are: Blood test, performance diagnostics, aerotesting, altitude tent rental, and all the material needed to achieve the objective, such as neoprene, running shoes, etc.
Attention: It is important that we can focus on your strengths and select the right competition. 6-8 weeks of vacation a year would be beneficial, as it allows us to do my tried and true back-to-back workouts – 4-7 day blocks of training (several times before the race).
Swimming channel: 4 training sessions incl. Video in my swim channel worth CHF 556 are included.