TriCamps Gran Canaria

January 29 to February 6, 2026

TriCamp Grand Canaria 2025 Roy Hinnen e1723661029953

Content and schedule of the triathlon camp
The focus is on cycling. We ride between 3-6 hours a day and train foundation (FatMax) and Vo2max. After each ride, there is a 1.4 km all-out double run.
IMPORTANT: Arrival and departure days: January 239 / February 6

Daily schedule
07:00-07:30 Meditation on the beach
07:30-08:45 Breakfast
09:00-13:00+ Bike ride 3-6 h followed by a run 1.4km short run
16:00-17:00 Swim training
17:00-18:00 Lecture/workshop on selected topics
18:00-20:00 Dinner together
Plus one running seminar and one cycling technique 1.5h each

Your requirements
You can maintain at least 2.5 watts per kilo for 45 minutes on the bike.
You have big, realistic sporting goals for 2025 and want to achieve them.

1 week in a 2-bedroom apartment for € 1’450.- (two bedrooms, kitchen, washing machine, pool towels)
Included are breakfast, bike rental, transfer airport
I will charge you CHF 70.- per day. (i.e. 490.- per week)
Exclusive: dinner, flight

How do you register?
1) Fill out the registration form.
2) Write Johan a WA, he will take care of your apartment, bike rental and airport transfer, +34 680 42 46 65
3) Book the flight directly.
4) I will get in touch with you.

Link to the hotel

Appartement Basic 3 e1727017611666
Room, Apartment Classic


20240917 112253 e1727018482289
80 m² Basic apartment for two people


TriCamp RoyHinnen 2025 Hotel Weg zum Meer
Path to the beach promenade

triCamp RoyHinnen 2025 Kraftraum
Weight room

Fruehstueck 4 e1727018756637
Breakfast daily from 08.00 – 10.30 a.m.

Spar 2 e1727017944455
Store directly in the facility

IMG 20231027 WA0016 e1723662312720

TriCamp RoyHinnen 7
The Fataga Viewpoint

2026 your sporty, successful year? Then be part of it.