Performance enhancement through the application of artificial altitude
Training with guaranteed success
1. test yourself
You overpaced regularly on the bike?
RoyFatSpot test
You can’t keep up on the running track regularly?
2. training plan
You want to improve your performance? Then register on PerfectPace and get your individual 70.3 training plan for free.
3. triathlon coaching
Secure one of 30 coaching slots early to reach your triathlon goal with me.
Train effectively. This is only possible if you understand which trainings trigger which stimuli in your body.
"Roy has set new stimuli as a trainer, but he has also managed to support me mentally and move me forward, especially in this difficult Corona year."

"With the watt values from the RoyFitWattTest, I rode really well and still felt fit in T2.
It was even enough for an 8th place in the AK40 for a slot in Hawaii!

"Roy is more than a coach - he is a motivator, a mentor who has the tools to get you out of the deepest valleys. He learned how to use our precious time properly."