If I had to describe myself in two sentences, they would be as follows:
Entrepreneur, mentor and autor Courage is the starting point, I inspire people.
I like meeting people in person to talk to them and feel what they need. An honest “give and take” is very important to me.
This is me in numbers: August 18th, 1966 / 186cm / 74kg / fat percentage 6.2% / resting heart rate 32
I moved to the US when I was 18 and trained with top triathletes Dave Scott and Mark Allen. In 1987 I was the first to bring the notorious Scott aerobar to Europe and became Swiss Champion in the triathlon in Seewen. My personal long-distance best time is 8:35 hours (CdA 0.31), which I achieved in 1991. I have been a coach since 2002 and coach people for whom sport is very important. Everything I give out in terms of coaching I have tried on myself. What I liked 4 years ago is different today. I’m constantly learning and I’m not afraid to break new ground. I expect the same from my athletes. I have also been running the first since 2016 Floating channel in Switzerland, from which my athletes also benefit in the form of precise video analyses. I like to share my experiences as a coach with the world. For example as the author of the two triathlon books TRIATHLON TOTAL and 100% triathlon. In addition to sport, there are other important factors for an honest life for me. I eat almost vegetarian. Eating is not a religion for me, but determined by my emotions. I like sitting (meditation) and working on my marble stones in my studio. Recently, I’ve learned to be “lazy,” a state opposed to all the fire I have, together it creates harmony within me.
Professional background
2019 – today FlussPool GmbH, Managing Director
2016 – today schwimmkanal.ch, Managing Director
2009 – today tridome GmbH, Managing Director
2008 – Sabbatical in India
1995 – 2009 Roy Hinnen GmbH, Managing Director
1989 – 1995 Control Products Roy Hinnen, Managing Director
1986 – 1989 Shamanic training/USA
1982 – 1986 Apprenticeship as a toolmaker
Sporting career
2022 – Focus training under artificial active hypoxia
2021 – Start of #newtrainingplan2.0
2012 – today 6h/week training – focus on running technique/breathing technique
Cycling technique/training plans PP, swimming technique/swimming plans, passive artificial
Altitude/meditation, nutrition/aerodynamics/blood values
1986 – 1994 PB Ironman 8:35 h, 5 x Swiss Champion